Technical Services

Total Integration of Design, Equipment, Controls, Parts, Supplies, and Technical Services!

Freeze Force™ - for "a remarkable experience every day!"

At Modern Ice, good isn’t good enough. Great is now expected. Modern Ice’s Freeze Force© sets the standards for plant efficiency, reliability and profitability. Our team of highly skilled professionals ensures that your equipment is running at optimal capacity.

Freeze Force offers the technical services you need for your plant. From maintenance and repairs, equipment installation, controls systems, all the way through full general contracting services.  For more information, click on the topics to the right. 

We support our customers with a great technical services team, Freeze Force, that’s available to take care of maintenance, repair, installations, start-ups, and technical questions.


Our clients get everything they are looking for in one place with Modern Ice, allowing them to focus on their core business operations.


In the Turnkey Solution, this is where Freeze Force© comes in. To install and start-up. It’s not like we just build something, and we’re gone; we spend a lot of time with our customers during the installation process. By the time we leave a project, everything’s up and running and they are producing and bagging ice.  Then we are there for them when they need technical support.

At Modern Ice University our Freeze Force Team is often featured to give training tips and tricks, as well as educating our clients on the up to date information on all things equipment. Watch past webinars, view our Tech Tips, and read our latest Blog!

Meet the Freeze Force Team

hear from our customers

Ice Plant Manufacturing
We appreciate Wayne's expertise and enjoyed having him at our plant. He is welcome back anytime and will go to him to advise on future service needs"
Pier Ice
With Modern, we worked with a lot of good people. I absorb as much as I can from someone’s knowledge and it adds to what we are doing. There is a lot of support. Along with the equipment, they have expertise, training, extremely good support and will call you back."
JL Ice
I had a great time and learned so much. I have rebuilt 3 more staplers since been in the training. Jim and Kevin did not disappoint, been able to call or text them if we had issues when we got back home and started rebuilding ourselves, they answered and helped every time. Ellie, Jim, Kevin, Neal, Jimmie couldn't appreciate you all more. You all made the class fun and inviting and intuitive. Really felt I was apprenticed, my questions answered, and the help to make sure we understood and why what we were doing was phenomenal. So glad I went and learned from the best. You all are Rockstars."
Richard Woodman

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