Need Quality Ice Bags? Here's Why:
Modern Ice Equipment & Supply

When you think about your bag of ice, you might not give much thought to the bag itself. After all, it’s the ice inside that counts, right? Well, yes and no. The truth is, the bag plays a vital role in ensuring that the ice you receive is of the highest quality, and here’s why it matters.
Customer Satisfaction
When you purchase ice, you expect it to be clean, untainted, and ready to serve. Quality bags not only keep your ice in top condition but also contribute to a better overall customer experience.
Purity and Freshness
Low-quality bags can lead to leaks and contamination. Quality bags, however, are designed to protect your ice from external elements, ensuring it stays pure and fresh until it’s ready for use.
Efficiency & Reliability
Efficiency is key in the packaged ice industry. Quality bags are easier to handle, load, and transport. They contribute to smoother production processes, reducing downtime and operational costs.
Long-Term Cost Savings
Quality ice bags will have a high pay off in the long run. Their durability reduces the need for frequent bag replacements, minimizes product losses, reducing waist, and lowers operational expenses.
Competitive Advantage
In a competitive market, quality sets you apart. Customers are willing to pay a premium for reliable, well-packaged ice. By choosing quality bags, you not only meet their expectations but also gain a competitive edge.
Compliance & Safety
In the food industry, compliance with safety and hygiene regulations is non-negotiable. High-quality bags meet industry standards and regulations, ensuring that your ice products are safe for consumption.
Bag Terminology:
Preformed Bag: a bag that is already sealed on three sides and is ready for ice immediately.
Wicket Bag: bags that are placed on wickets, two metal rods, in order to run properly on the machine.
Reverse Wicket Bag: bags that are placed on wickets, two metal rods, backwards in order to run properly on the machine.
Roll Stock Bag: these bags are not preformed, instead they come on a roll and the machine cuts and seals the bags as it goes.
Bailer Bag: large bags that hold multiple smaller bags of ice.
Gusset: the folded portion on the bottom of the bag that unfolds when ice is put in to make the bottom of the bag flat.
Lip: the area between the top of the bag and the top of the handle.
I-Mark: the I-mark is essential to determining where the machine cuts the bags and seals them.
Resin: the key component that makes up the polyethylene film that bags are made of.

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