Long-Time Modern Ice Team Member Prepares
for Retirement
Modern Ice Equipment & Supply

After 45 years in the Packaged Ice industry, Allen Butcher is stepping back to a part-time role as he transitions into retirement.
We congratulate Allen on this exciting step and are grateful for the 23+ years he has represented Modern Ice to our clients and vendors, and been a friend to each of us.
Throughout his career, Allen has been a leader in every way. He has excelled at listening to clients to provide solutions for them, offering guidance to new regional sales managers, and providing insight and feedback to make Modern Ice more remarkable. Allen has been recognized many times as a leader in our business. He has earned multiple awards from Modern Ice and our strategic partners and is a Past Chairman of the Southwestern Ice Association. Gary Jerow sums up Allen’s illustrious career:
“Allen Butcher has certainly earned the opportunity to take a step back after his illustrious career in the Packaged Ice industry and at Modern Ice. Modern Ice and I are indebted to Allen for the leadership and poise with which he did his job every day. He has taught me so many skills and improved my skills over the years. It has been a privilege to work alongside him. To have experienced him as a co-worker has been a true treat. His actions as a father and husband are truly remarkable. In other words, Allen has succeeded in all facets of his life. I have stated often that in the Webster dictionary a picture of Allen sits right next to the word ‘gentleman.’ He leads his life, business and personal, with this mentality every single day.
I have been proud to work and be associated with Allen for the past 23 years. It would be selfish on our part to ask to get more from him as he has earned this time to give back to family and friends, but we will certainly miss him as his reduced role fades to full-time retirement in the coming years. The great part for us is that Allen will be associated with Modern Ice for the remainder of his life. He is truly the embodiment of our brand. He is the benchmark of our brand. We wish Allen, Diane, and their family the very best in this next stage of life. It is a well-earned opportunity to step back a bit. On behalf of all our team members, Allen – Thank You!”
Modern Ice understands that Allen’s retirement will impact the clients he has served so well over these many years. To mitigate as much of this impact as possible, Allen has been working with Chris Morse for the past year to transition knowledge of the ice business in the Southwest Region and how Modern Ice works with each of these clients. Allen will continue to support Chris as he takes ownership of this role and Ellie Palmer will continue to support Chris as the Customer Satisfaction Group Representative for these clients. Congratulations to Allen Butcher! Celebrate your successes, enjoy the freedom of retirement, and always remember what a positive impact you’ve made!

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